
Mexican Immigrants And The United States

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Born on September 5, 1967 in Mexicali, Mexico Guadalupe Ramirez was the first born child of her parents. The state she was born in is a small border town that connects to the California border. She was born into a lower class family that was struggling to make ends meet and at the age of five she migrated to the United States with her mother. During this period of time there was a large influx of Mexican migration to the United States that began in the early 20th century. There was a large demand for labor in the United States and the Mexican economy was struggling due to the political chaos that was taking place in Mexico in the 1960’s. In the 1980’s Mexican immigrants are the largest immigrant population in the United States. According to (Jie Zong and Jeanne Batalova) Mexicans accounted for 28 percent of the country’s 41.3 million foreign born. (citation)
Guadalupe migrated from Mexicali, Mexico to El Monte, California where she was surrounded by other Mexican immigrants. During 1970 El Monte, a city in the San Gabriel Valley, had reached 69,837 which was the largest growth of the decade. The white population that had once been a majority of this city had moved to other nearby cities in the San Gabriel Valley. This was a post-Vietnam war period where many young Latinos had lost their lives in the war and gangs proliferated (citation). She remembers being surrounded by Latinos in her community and gang violence being prevalent in her neighborhood. During her

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