
Mexican Social Norms

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For South Americans, when they arrived ar the states, due to their higher educational levels, they were able to earn higher wages in the U.S. workforce, which often times were compatible to the wages of upper classes in society. Due to this, South Americans tended to fit into a social category that was ideal in relation to social norms, and because most societies, and individuals, are influenced by income levels, the prestige that followed the economic class allowed many South Americans to be perceived more highly within society as a whole. Moreover, as a result of most South Americans immigrating legally into the states, it provided them access to the community and allowed them to not only have citizenship, but also to be accepted as citizens. …show more content…

is Race. Race is used to categorize individuals based on physical characteristics with no biological basis. Stereotypical characteristics of Mexicans including, dark hair, brown eyes, and dark skin; which contrast that of a stereotypical U.S. born. Often times it becomes hard to be accepted into a society in which the differences are so present and visible. For Mexicans, despite their efforts to embrace the culture of the U.S. born, by dressing similar, speaking the same language, living in the same places; their physical traits make them stick out like a sore thumb. An example of this would be two different colored crayons, while they are both crayons, the differences in colors makes them appear different. Mexicans and U.S. born are like the different colored crayons, while they are the same, one came from a different crayon box, and they have different colors, so they appear physically different on the outside. Additionally, often times many U.S. born use Mexicans physical characteristic as a way to undermine them in society and making them feel inferior because they are not the same. As much as Mexicans want their differences not to matter or define them, it has made it harder for them to socially integrate into society when the physical barrier is preventing them from coming in (Gutiérrez

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