
Michael Brown Thesis

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The history of the human race can be summed up as self destructive. Centuries of countless war, uprisings, and oppression has marked history as a repeating cycle of hate and violence. The population today is divided amongst issues and the government is torn between what decide. The people want change from their government about critical issues, but change is not always guaranteed to be given. With change comes opposition and opposition only gives rise to violence.
The day is Aug. 9 and 18 yr. old Michael Brown has just been shot. Due to the tension dividing the country Brown’s death was immediately looked at as a racial issue. The country saw it as an unarmed black teenager shot and killed by Darren Wilson, a white police officer. The shooting …show more content…

The people of Ferguson were outraged at the racial injustice which transpired in their city. Too many young black men had had their lives taken too soon by the police. Michael Brown’s death was another added to the list surely not the last and the people knew this. Change was needed and that burning need for it is what started the riots. The citizens of Ferguson were fed up with how the people of the country were treated by law enforcement and decided to make a stand. Ferguson would be thrown in the spotlight for “what’s wrong with America”. The police and the people of the country had a broken bond. Those entrusted to protect the people were no longer trusted. The riots in Ferguson were not called for because they only led to the destruction of the city and the arrest of protesters. They accomplished nothing and took away from the reason of the riots, Michael Brown’s unjust death. Protesters that stood peacefully and chanted “Black Lives Matter” had a greater effect as they stood across the country (Healy).
Violence is not always the answer to the world’s problems, but it is a great way bring attention to the cause of the problem. Peaceful negotiations is the only way to ensure that the aggressors and opposition both come to an agreement about the best outcome of their situation. Violence creates hate and hate in turn leads to more violence in the long-run thus continuing humanities cycle of self

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