
Michael Murray: The Problem Of Darwinian Evil

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The problem of evil has existed for a long time and many philosophers including Michael Murray have gone to great lengths to explain the phenomenon. I believe evil pre-existed God's order and the nature of God is to create good out of evil. Evil is a necessary catalyst for good, and souls born in to weak bodies serve just as great of a life purpose, that molds the world towards kindness, as the souls born into strong bodies. Many times, the strong learn lessons of mercy and kindness from the weak; but all creatures big and strong are the catalysis for their own suffering. The decisions people and animals make impacted the world both positively and negatively; as is the nature of free will. In order for free will to exist there has to be a right and wrong path for living things to choose; and …show more content…

The suffering of humanity can be explained by human sin. The original sin of Adam and Eve introduced suffering into the world, and according to scripture; created evil. Free will also gives humanity the opportunity to make mistakes and bring sin and suffering on to themselves. Humans will inevitably at some point make a mistake and cultivate pain and evil into our own lives despite God's goodness and teachings. Darwinian Evil can't be explained by sin. Animals existed long before humans, and suffered far longer than the given timeline religious scripture describes when discussing the introduction of evil and sin into the world through Adam and Eve. Darwinian Evil also causes problems for some Christan's belief in God's goodness, because animals are often seen as innately pure and don't have much conscious control over moral decisions in the way humans do. Animals are largely governed by instinct or the need for survival; they don't make a conscious choice to sin or cause harm in the same way humanity can. Animals just don't have the advanced intelligence needed to make morally wrong choices

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