
Michael Vs. Danuvius: A Short Story

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Michael vs. Danuvius

I zipped up my sweatshirt as another train zoomed by. It was two in the morning, I couldn’t stop wondering why I wasn’t at home in my warm comfortable bed. I had thought about riding a train back home but there’s a lot of weird people who ride the subway at this hour. Another train zoomed past and I leapt on top, gripping one of the safety rails that hung off the side. The wind whipped through my hair as the train sped down the long dark tunnel. I closed my eyes against the whipping wind, pressing myself closer to the roof of the train.

“You know, most people ride inside the train.” A dark echoing voice from behind made me jump.

“What are you doing here?” I stood up, struggling for …show more content…

Instantly hands began to burn but I didn’t let go. Blade raised, I charged at him, slashing over and over. He seemed surprised, but not enough to knock him off his game. The burning sensation was beginning to become too much and I tossed the sword to the ground, falling onto my knees a moment later.

“Anyone else would have burned away to ashes, but not you. Maybe there is something special about you after all.” He picked up the sword and sheathed it before stepped toward me. He picked me up by the collar of my sweatshirt, leaving my feet dangling inches above the ground.

I didn’t say anything, but instead gave a hard kick to his stomach, which only ticked him off. A powerful backhand sent me into a daze onto the tracks. Dazed and out of breath, I laid there. A loud horn rang out from the distance. It rang several more times and then a bright light appeared from around the corner. I was exhausted but I slowly forced myself onto my feet. But by the time I did, it was already too late. The train was speeding straight towards me. I braced myself for the impact of metal on flesh when I felt a tug on my hood. I let out a rasping gasp as I was yanked up out of harm’s

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