
Michael's Parenting Style

Decent Essays

Given the circumstances, the parents of Michael have a number of ways to handle the current situation. This paper will outline the four main ways that they could do so. The first paragraph will describe how an authoritarian parenting would handle the situation, and how that would effect Michael. In the second paragraph, I will do the same as I did in the first, but from the authoritative perspective. This trend of analyzing how the parenting style will affect the child will continue for the next two paragraphs, the third paragraph covering permissive, and the fourth covering uninvolved/disengaged. In my conclusion, I will review which on would best fit the situation.

First, in viewing the situation through the perspective of authoritarian …show more content…

They would likely have similar rules to that of the authoritarian, but would also allow the rules to be flexible. They would handle instances of rule breaking in more of a case by case situation. This means that instead of banning the movie based on it's rating, would look and see if the was alright for Michael to view. If it was a documentary that had a higher rating, the might permit it. This style of parenting allows for control, but also allows for the child do develop on their own and become more independent.

If Michael's parents take the permissive viewpoint, then they would almost assuredly say yes, and then watch it with him. Permissive parents remain heavily involved in their child's life, similar to that of authoritarian. However, they are far less strict, allowing their child to do whatever they please. This can result in the child feeling entitled, and cause complications later in life when their parent's aren't there to give them whatever they want.

Uninvolved parent's would not need Michael to ask if he can rent the mature rated movie. As the name implies, uninvolved parents' just do not care one way or the other. This can result in the child growing up with a lack of a feeling of

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