
Michelangelo's David : Heroism And Contributions Of The Renaissance

Decent Essays

Michelangelo’s David epitomizes the developments in Renaissance sculpture. A century before this sculpture, Brunelleschi and Ghiberti began this movement by representing the humanistic and symbolic qualities of this time period. Brunelleschi, Ghiberti, and Michelangelo encapsulated a sense of reality in their sculptures. They challenged the idea of a flat, shallow surface; instead, they created sculptures that displayed human characteristics and life. Their sculptures had the ability to convey passion, faith, heroism, and love. Michelangelo’s David is one of the most renowned sculptures in history because of the personification of humanistic and symbolic features.

Art that defined the Renaissance was a direct result of Brunelleschi’s and Ghiberti’s efforts. Sayre points out, “as humanists, Ghiberti and Brunelleschi valued the artistic models of antiquity and looked to classical sculpture for inspiration” (Sayre, 464). They were among seven artists asked to create a bronze panel depicting the Hebrew Bible’s story of the Sacrifice of Isaac. Their artworks depicted humans in such a charismatic way that viewers of all backgrounds could relate to and understand the art. According to Sayre, “Renaissance artists understood the physical universe as an expression of the divine and thus worth copying in the greatest details. To understand nature was, in some sense to understand God” (Sayre, 464-465). Both Ghiberti and Brunelleschi were pioneers in Renaissance sculpture. They

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