
The Paintings On The Ceiling Of The Sistine Chapel

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One of the most famous painter and sculptors of the Italian Renaissance, the age of renewal and cultural achievement circa 1500, was the artistic genius Michelangelo Buonarroti. The man that desired nothing but perfection often reached it in his work. He captured the motion of the human figure and the anatomy of muscles in a way that was increasingly beautiful and startlingly realistic. Whether because of one of the most famous sculptures in history, “the David” or the paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, that became the textbook examples for the art period of High Renaissance, Michelango’s art changed the world and he will continue to be studied with awe throughout history.
Michelangelo’s era, the Renaissance was not a time of great social or economic change, only cultural and ideological development because it only affected a small portion of the population, which were the rich and powerful scholars that had more surplus money to spend on luxury goods like art and architecture. One of these families the Medicis rose to prominence and held the position of the Florence’s leading family for three centuries. The Medici family controlled the republican government and were the unquestioned leaders, Lorenzo the Magnificent the last to hold power and first Medici to be educated in the humanist tradition and was known as an important patron of the arts; Lorenzo gave Michelangelo the chance to become the magnificent artist he was. The humanist movement, one that

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