
Mick Johnson In John Steinbeck's Gym Candy

Decent Essays

Gym Candy is the story about Mick Johnson a young boy living in Seattle, Washington. Ever since the age of four Mick has been playing football, mainly because his father, Mike Johnson had a chance to play for the Chargers but he screwed it up and thought that he did not have to try very hard. Before he knew it he was cut from the team and did not have a second chance. Mick mother used to be a gymnast but she doesn't pressure Mick to be the best like his father does. In middle school Mick is pushed around a lot and one time he was knocked unconscious and because of that his mom stopped coming to the game, she did not want to see her son get hurt again. After this Mick meets a new member to the team his name is Drew Carney. Mick and Drew become better friends and that is when Rooney (the head coach of the Middle School Football team) comes to Mick telling him that he is good but he has the attitude of a punk. So Mick looks that up and finds out what really happened to his father. Mick finds that his father got into fights with …show more content…

Later on Mick start’s to see commercials about how to gain muscle and decides that what he want’s to do. To pay for the protein powder and vitamins Mick gets a job with his dad. At Mick's dad’s work you could get a free membership to a local gym called Popeyes, there Mick meets a guy named Peter Volts. Something was off about Peter so Mick decides not to go back. Later on in the school’s weight room Drager is back and started making fun of how much Mick was lifting and Drager gets in his face and then Drager and Clark beat up Mick. This makes Mick work even harder and he even goes back to Popeyes Gym. That’s when he realizes Peter is not weird after a hard workout Peter tell’s Mick that he can get him steroids if he want’s them. But Mick tells him no. As the workouts start back at school a kid named Dave Kane is pretty good and Mick is scared that he take his

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