
Microsoft Excel: Goal Seek and Scenarios Essay

Decent Essays


A spreadsheet is a document that stores data in cells within a table of columns and rows. Rows are usually labelled using numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.), while columns are labelled with letters (A, B, C, etc.). Cells are the individual box that found between row and column for example B1 and C5 would be individual cells. Each cell can store extraordinary information. By entering information into a spreadsheet, data could be put away in a more organized manner than utilizing plain content the column/row structure likewise enables the information to be analysed utilizing equations and calculations.

For example, each row of a spreadsheet may store information about a car that Sutton Dealership will sell. Each column may …show more content…

Spreadsheets commonly used in personal needs as well for creating budgeting and tracking finances. Problem solving and Decision making can be influenced by use of spreadsheet, using trend analysis, comparing data and prediction of data can help solve complex and simple problems.

In Businesses

Spreadsheets are used in different ways within business workplace. In common, spreadsheets store data, but they also provide a range of tools to manage and process the data. This makes them particularly useful for businesses environment. Through formulas, spreadsheets can perform mathematical, statistical, financial and organisational transformations and calculations. Spreadsheets also help to present data in user friendly view Businesses use spreadsheets in ways that are suited to their own services, some of the examples that business could use spreadsheets for are:

Cash flow forecasting

Cash flow is an accounting document used by businesses, which illustrates the amount of money is generated and used by a business in a given period of time. Basically it shows how much cash is coming in and out in specified period of time. Cash in usually caused by activities such customer payments, earnings, bonuses, sponsorship and so on. And cash going out usually caused by activities such as paying rent, paying suppliers, and buying assets and so on. Cash flow forecasts can help predict upcoming cash excesses or lacks and help

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