
Middle Ages Research Paper

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The Middle Ages was the period in European history that came between ancient and modern times. It lasted from about ad 500 to about 1500. The Christian church played an important part in the history of the Middle Ages.
Early Middle Ages

The Middle Ages began when Germanic tribes (peoples from northern Europe) invaded the western part of the Roman Empire. The tribes took over the land and formed many small kingdoms.

The invaders also eventually converted to Christianity, which had become the major religion of Rome. The church became the one thing that everyone had in common. The pope was the head of the Christian church. He and other church leaders became very powerful. Few people outside the church could read or write during the early Middle Ages. Religious communities called …show more content…

Landowners called lords built castles. They gave land to followers called knights. In return, the lords called on their knights to defend them in battle. People called serfs or peasants actually farmed the land. Serfs were not much better off than slaves.
Later Middle Ages

Conditions improved in the 1100s. People learned to grow more nutritious food. Health improved, and the population grew. Towns also grew, and trade increased.
Chartres Cathedral
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Europeans developed the Gothic style of art and architecture. Christians built stately cathedrals of stone with tall towers and stained glass. Notre-Dame in Paris is a good example of a Gothic cathedral. There was also a rebirth of learning. The first European universities were founded in Bologna, Italy; Paris, France; and other cities.

Between 1095 and 1291, Christian kings and knights from all over Europe participated in a series of Crusades in the Middle East. They went to fight Muslims for control of places that Christians consider to be

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