
Midfielder And Siddhartha

Decent Essays

Time itself is a never-ending cycle, however; our time as humans on Earth is finite. Both “Siddhartha” by Herman Hesse and “If God Existed, He’d Be A Solid Midfielder” by Aleksandar Hemon portray the importance of time, showing how patience and contentment is acquired over time. Although each reading incorporates characters that experience moments of unease, losing a touch of their passion and goals, their interpretation of time differs; Hesse portrays time linearly while Hemon views time circularly. Siddhartha seeks Enlightenment by taking the road less traveled, a Western belief ironically chosen by Siddhartha despite his residence in the Eastern hemisphere. Similarly, Hermon displays pursuits of the Eastern belief of time within the Western …show more content…

Failure to capitalize and make efficient use of one's time can be a major obstacle in achieving your primary goals or seeking what you’re most passionate about. Both characters are ineffective of their time or distracted at a point in their lives. In Siddhartha, his journey for Enlightenment becomes cursed once his path converges with Kamala by the river. She introduces Siddhartha to exotic temptations, providing him guidance to learn the art form of seduction and allowing him access to her temple to practice them. However, Kamala set a few conditions that Siddhartha had to overcome prior to being taught the art of sexual healing. Everything he accomplished during his time as a Samana collapsed in a matter of years, his Samana characteristics began to fade away as he starts to value object more than people. Eventually realizing his body was in a state of unease, Siddhartha knew his goal of reaching Enlightenment was further than ever. Similarly, Hemon experienced his state of instability shortly after migrating from Bosnia-Herzegovina to Chicago. In that short story, he describes himself as an athletic person while he resided in Bosnia while he enjoyed many alcoholic drinks and smoking two packs a day. However, his situation was different after his arrival in Chicago. His health began to deteriorate due …show more content…

Hemon’s belief that time is circular is an Eastern concept. The reader of the story can interrupt that his “backwards” thinking was his only real connection to home in Bosnia-Herzegovina, which is located in Eastern Europe. He looked to makes his experience in Chicago feel like home, by recreating moments that he had in Bosnia. The only possible way the author could recreate these repetitive moments in his life was through soccer. Moment of transcendence highlights how Heman looks for these moments in life that constantly reoccur. His moment of transcendence are when he’s on the soccer field, every time his team put a ball into the back of the net, he feels the universe converged together to make the goal happen. Soccer was his outlet to make new connections and friends while feeling like he was back home in Bosnia. Eventually finding a venue where he could play pick up soccer games every Saturday and Sunday, he became accustomed to that routine for years until the games stopped occurring. Hemon perceived time on a weekly base, looking forward to his fixated schedule; slight deviation of schedule gave him anxiety. Even in his absence, time will continue on, pick up soccer games will continue to happen and those willing to attend will be present there. The notion that time is circular can also be seen in the story as well, after immigrating to Chicago he went years without playing

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