
Migrant Workers Research Paper

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Migrant workers and their kids also are at a disadvantage when it comes to education. Chinas education system is very similar to that of the United States in having an elementary school, middle school, high school and college. However it differs from the U.S. by the law the Chinese government passed in 1986. This law states that Chinese citizens only need to attend 9 years of school. After 9 years of schooling they can decide to go into the workforce (which many migrants do) or continue their education. In rural China almost all students go to school for 9 years and then either work on a farm or apply for a Hukou and get permission to migrate to a city in hope to find work. A rural education in China has a very negative cultural stigma …show more content…

Also rural China lacks quality teachers because these teachers don’t want to live in rural China and would rather stay in the city. Another disadvantage migrant workers kids have is that they lack the family support they need while growing up. With their parents in the city and away they are generally raised by their grandparents. They usually see their parents during the holidays and that is about it. This can take a toll on a child while he or she is attending school and may disrupt their learning. Another indicator of the obvious educational gap that China has from rural to urban China is that 84% of high school graduates from Shanghai attend a 4-year college, while less than 5% of high school graduates from rural China attend a college. This is a significant gap that really needs to be addressed. There was also a study done by the Institute of Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) that ran a survey on 2,384 Chinese migrants and recorded that 67% of received an education to the level of Junior Middle School or lower. The Chinese government has identified this problem and is trying to address it through a 10-year reform plan that started in 2010 to 2020. This reform plan wants to address

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