
Miguel Hidalgo: The War For Mexican Independence

Decent Essays

Mexico’s Independence Day The war for Mexican Independence was fought by many, afterwards they had conflict establishing a government; there are many ways people celebrate Mexican Independence, such a seating food and honoring those who lost their lives.Spain had control over Mexico in the 1800s, but Napoleon Bonaparte's invasion and occupation of Spain infuriated Native Mexicans. Treatment of Native Mexicans also fueled the want for Mexican independence. There were many rebellion leaders; however, there is one main leader we know about.
Mexicans wanted independence because they were treated roughly by Spaniards. Native Mexicans were forced into hard labour where conditions were rough. Mexicans were sent underground into mines, where caves …show more content…

Miguel Hidalgo was born in Mexico, 1753. His parents were both Spanish, and he was the youngest of four sons. One of his beliefs was that Mexicans should be free and self-governed. He tried talking to the Spaniards about treatment of Native Mexicans. The Spanish employers would not listen to Hidalgo, so he thought that the only way to get them to listen was to rebel.
On September 16th, 1810, Hidalgo rang the church bells. Many Native Mexicans came from mines and fields to hear what he had to say. No one knows exactly what Hidalgo said, but according to Mexican Independence Day and Cinco De Mayo, written by Dianne M. MacMillan, Hidalgo said, “‘Long live our Lady of Guadalupe! Down with bad government! Death to all Spaniards!’” Mexicans were moved by the speech and wanted to help the rebellion. Lady of Guadalupe is the Mexican Virgin Mary; they pray to her because they believe she came to help them in the 1500s. When the fighting started, the Spanish were outnumbered, and soon the Mexicans didn’t fear the Spaniards. Mexican soldiers attacked villages, leaving a blood bath behind. First, they attacked the silver mines, and then the Stone Fortress. Finally, the Spaniards stopped Hidalgo and his army at Calderon. Hidalgo was captured and executed by firing

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