
Mike Anderson's Short Story: The Haunted House

Decent Essays

It felt like bliss – being here like this, with my friends. We weren’t doing anything special, not really, only driving down the road that led to Mike Anderson’s house. Senior year had us all so miserable that I actually convinced myself to go to one of his parties without having to be forced.

“How long till we get there,’ Anna giggled. “Guys, I’m so ready to pass out.” “Relax, Anna. I swear, one day there’s going to be a news headline about you. ‘Anna Wenston, tragic incident – death to alcohol’”

Anna shoved Claudia, laughing. “Shut up.”

Kane and I joined them, and somehow we all ended up in the same place as we always do, laughing so hard that my ears rang with the sound of gurgling and the feeling that if I don’t stop now, I’d collapse …show more content…

People were about, couples were doing things that they really should be doing alone in a room, and there was a horror movie playing. Was that Chucky?

I turned around, and I met a hard wall. Of a man. His chest actually. When I looked up, my apologies halted as I took in exactly whom I bumped into.


“Mike-” I stuttered, taking a deep breath. “Sorry. I didn’t see you.”

His hand reached up to touch my shoulder, but just as he brushed his palm on my skin, a snap occurred, and he snatched his hand back. Mike’s face turned ashen, his eyes wide with pain, and his hands clutched at his neck.

“Wha-what did you do?” Mike struggled to get out.

I cried out for help, but nobody noticed. When I tried to turn someone around or slap them for attention, my hand only went through. I tried touching Mike in an attempt to calm him down, but it just made him worse. He dropped to the ground, clutching his chest as if someone had just reached into it and clenched his heart.

I didn’t know what to do, at least not until him.

“You can’t help him.” A figure peered over me, examining Mike. And when he turned around, it looked so much like Kane, except different somehow.

“What-?” I said, my mind

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