
Mike Memoly Is A Private Accountant

Decent Essays

Mike Memoly is a private accountant that I chose to interview. I was able to get his contact information from my dad since his daughter and my sister play on the same soccer team. Over the Martin Luther Jr. Holiday where we got a three-day weekend I went home and got the chance to interview him in his office at LBA realty in Irvine, California. Memoly was not always in private accounting. After graduating from Binghamton University in New York, he received an offer to work at Ernst and Young. Where he continued to work for 9 years.

Memoly initially did not have any intention of joining a big four firm and becoming a public accountant. Rather, he heard the best way to get into the FBI is with an accounting degree. In order to achieve his …show more content…

Property accountants typically go straight from school into private accounting. He explained that this type of accountant engages the most in the topics we learn in intermediate accounting courses. Property accountants have the most flexible hours since they know when their deadlines are so they can plan accordingly.

The second type of employee is an investor/fund level accountant. These employees are usually acquired to the company from public accounting firms. They are responsible for much more advanced accounting and work closely with the firm’s financial statements. Investor level accountants are more likely to have their CPA. They also deal with much more complex deadlines, which accounts for their more complex hours.

The third and final type of employee that work under Memoly are employees who go directly into tax and work with complex tax returns. According to Memoly, have a different personality type than the other employees at the firm. He credited with having a much more complex mindset. This is something I have heard a few times throughout my recruiting process when exploring accounting with a specialty in tax.

Memoly had explained during the interview that in his opinion it is much easier to get a job in private than in public accounting. He also explained the choice between private and public accounting is ultimately dependent on what

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