
Mike Super Magic Show Research Paper

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For my campus involvement project, I attended four UNK events which included a Mike Super magic show, a glowrage, dragshow, and a football game. All events were really enjoyable and while most of the events I went to weren’t particularly “educational”, I feel like I learned some important information and gained social experiences. The Mike Super Magic show was put on by LPac on October 23, 2015. Mike Super was the winner of the NBC show, Phenomenon. He’s an illusionist who currently tours the US and Canada. When I went to his show, I thought it was going to be card tricks that would have been easy to figure out later on the internet. However, I was very wrong. The tricks that he did seemed absolutely impossible for a human being to do without some spiritual force behind it all. He even called on his “friend” Desmond to help him with a couple particular tricks. Some of the tricks he performed included a women holding an empty glass pitcher over a trash can. He had us force our energy towards the pitcher as he called on his friend Desmond. After a couple …show more content…

I went with a couple friends not really knowing what to expect since it was the first show I’ve attended. The dragshow was interesting to say the least. The contestants of the show would dance while people would throw money at them. I felt like I was at a strip club at points. As a believer in God I don’t think he makes mistakes when it comes to people’s gender, however I do believe he still loves everybody regardless of how they think of themselves. It was interesting to see how people present and express themselves in ways that others don’t. I think it’s very important for Christians to understand that hating others for their beliefs isn’t going to make them want to be a follower of God. Learning to love these people regardless of how they see themselves is a daily task I’m working on every day in

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