
Mildred Briery Grant Research Paper

Decent Essays

I would like to thank the members of the Ohio Child Conservation League for considering me for the Mildred Biery Grant Application. My connection to your group is through my grandmother, Wendy Schmelzer, who has been a part of OCCL for 45 years and who has brought this grant to my attention. She has always been my greatest role model and supporter. I remember a time when I was young, my grandmother and I were on a paddle boat and I declared that I no longer wanted to own an ice cream shop, I wanted to be a baby doctor. She explained to me that this profession was called a pediatrician and that I could become whatever I wanted to as long as I was willing to put in the work. Although I have changed my career path a few times since then, I have …show more content…

I have always known that I wanted to work with kids, even before I knew for sure which career I wanted to pursue. Being one of the oldest children in my extended family, I have had the pleasure of looking after all of my younger cousins. I really love being a positive role model in their lives and being someone they can count on. I babysit whenever I can and even watch my teacher’s children on a pretty regular basis. Knowing this, it was no surprise that I jumped at the chance to volunteer once a month in my church’s nursery. Every second Sunday of the month, I watch all the “new walkers” to two year olds during the busiest service. I really love this age range because even though the kids are just learning to walk and talk, they all have their own unique personalities. I love to watch them interact with one another. I once saw a little boy put his face right into another little girl’s face. He slowly stuck out his tongue and licked her cheek, she pulled back, bewildered, and then handed him the book she was holding. Then the little boy simply walked away as if receiving books in exchange for licks was completely acceptable, which I suppose it is when you are that age! Helping out in the nursery is very important to me because I want the children’s parents to feel free to worship in the main service without having to worry about the safety of their kids. I am very blessed to have this

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