
Mildred In Fahrenheit 451

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In Fahrenheit 451, Mildred and Clarisse influence the novel because of the similarities and differences within their characterization. Ray Bradbury uses the experiences and actions of the two characters to present and “argue” different viewpoints within the novel. To begin with, the two characters’ outward views on social interaction began the internal conflict of the protagonist Guy Montag. Mildred, his wife, would rather spend her time pretending with the people in the television. She would become entranced with the exotic characters within the television. She would act as if she were a part of their interesting world. This connection built between these fictional characters brought her further away from true social interaction and place …show more content…

Whenever Montag brought the books into the house, Mildred refused to read them but she did not expose his operation to the firemen. Towards the end of the novel she did expose him, but in her eyes it was for his own good. She was only there to bring him to the better side of the world and remain silent and obedient to society. Likewise, Clarisse did show great affection for Guy Montag. Whenever he felt alone and needed someone to speak to, she was there for him. Montag’s happiness was merely an illusion to him. “This happiness is disturbed only when Clarisse asks him, ‘Are you happy?’” (Filler). As soon as his happiness is brought into question, Montag questions his life as it stands. Does he even live a happy life or is it all controlled by forces around him? All and all, both of these women loved him and only wished the best for him. All and all, Mildred and Clarisse was incredibly influential in the process of the novel. Both of these women brought upon different idealistic views of the world and created internal conflict within the protagonist Guy Montag. This internal conflict was outwardly expressive with the change in Montag’s actions as well as his thoughts about the world. Thus brought the end to the world Montag knew and the creation of one to mold in their own way. Extinguishing the fire of the old world and igniting the flame of the new

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