
Military Policy

Decent Essays

“The civil-military relationship and the formulation of strategy are inextricably intertwined.”

The formulation of policy driven by the desired end state of political outcomes necessitates a high degree of collaboration. With the modern advent of communication technology through social media platforms, operational decisions have instantaneous policy consequences. Thus, the general theories of boundaries between policymakers and military leadership compress, as decisions and events at the operational level have an impact at the policy level. Management of war is interconnected between military and political spheres, “But it is sometimes forgotten just how deep and pervasive political considerations in war are.” The recent event of an airstrike on a hospital in Kunduz Province highlights this point. Success, from an operational standpoint, necessitates an appreciation that policy imposes constrictions and constraints on operational actions. Coordination between policymakers and the military to synchronize efforts at all levels of …show more content…

The evolution of war management and the obligation of the military to inform policymakers affect how operations are conducted in a fluid planning environment. Revision of strategy by both policymakers and military advisors benefits the design process, as Churchill revised his views, so did his military advisors when “plausible answers” were not offered. Recent testimony of General John Campbell to the Senate Armed Services Committee on Afghanistan troop withdrawal plans, highlight the correlation between civil-military considerations in the development and formulation of long-term policy planning. The “combination of interest and skepticism” are the key to sound formulation of actions and desired outcomes, regardless of where the friction stems

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