
Military Recruiters in School. Why Not? Essay

Decent Essays

The military is an essential component of the security of the United States. The military needs men and women at the peak of their performance. Because of this, the military looks to recruit high school students as young as seventeen years old. However, many people do not want recruiters in high schools and the debate of whether high schools should allow military recruiters inside has transpired. Numerous reasons exist explaining why schools should allow recruiters on campuses. High schools should allow military recruiters because, although many say that recruiters don’t tell the whole truth, students usually already know the information. Recruiters inform students of the benefits and opportunities that the military offers and they …show more content…

The article reads, “‘Military service is not an alternative to incarceration or paying a debt to society’” (Perry and Blume A33). The military needs people who stay out of trouble, which encourages students to keep their record clean. In addition to staying morally upright, the military also wants students who join to graduate high school. According to the same article, almost all recruits must graduate high school. The article says, “Can high school dropouts enlist in the marines? Only under extraordinary circumstances: 99.7% of last year’s recruits were high school graduates” (Perry and Blume A33). The presence of recruiters in high schools serves as a reminder that if a student wants to join, then he or she must graduate. The military sets high standards that make high school students who plan to join want to stay on the right path to join. Some argue that high schools should not allow recruiters because they only tell students the appealing effects of joining. The article, “Should Military Recruiters Be Allowed in High Schools?” tells of a teenager that received a brochure boasting the benefits gained from the military from the selective service. The article says, “A young man […] received an upbeat brochure in the mail touting the military’s [benefits]. There was no mention of combat or what it’s like to walk the corridors and the grounds of the Walter Reed

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