
Military Respect Research Paper

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Respect, being the third Army Value, is a central pillar to the beliefs and principles upheld by the United States Army. These beliefs and principles are representative of this organization and are integral to the behaviors between superior and subordinate, team member to team member, or officer to Noncommissioned Officer, and are central to customs and courtesies that we must all adhere to. Respect and courtesies that travel both up and down the chain are not only critical, but highly revered and regarded by all. Respect is expected from the lower ranks upward, even if the person demanding the respect is unworthy of that respect. Something I personally have heard that I hold close to my heart is that “You don’t have to respect the person, but you must respect the rank.” Thusly, this concept is interwoven into the mindset of the average soldier. Respect of a …show more content…

Structure provides order and the necessary balance within an organization or ensure duties and responsibilities. Respect for rank, position, or authority ensures duties and tasks are accomplished by all to the best of their abilities. Respect ensures goals and tasks are executed and met. Respect is reflective also upon one’s own respect and discipline for themselves and others. For example, saluting an officer is a custom and courtesy that hinges on respect. If you do not care about the military, and are rude or disrespectful, and just walk by an officer without rendering a salute, you will most likely get a couple dirty looks and a immediate corrective training from said officer. This same principle applies to a greeting of the day to a senior Noncommissioned Officer. A proper “good morning” to the First Sergeant is fairly respectful. These examples further solidify the idea that without the basic respect for authority, the military would lack structure, rank, and authority. This lack of respect would and can negatively unit

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