
Milleneration And Generation Z And The Post-Millennial Generation

Decent Essays

Millennials are defined to have been born somewhere between the mid to late 80s till the early to mid-90s, whereas Generation Z is characterized to have been born between 1995 till about now. Therein lies a large area for differences between the two generations. I was born on the tail end of 1999 meaning I was technically born in the Gen Z era, but I sometimes see myself relating to Millennials I see online or in mainstream media. I will discuss both generations and then decide where I most see myself.
Generation Z, the Post-Millennial generation take up a decent sized chunk of the US population. They are also referred to as the iGeneration or Gen Tech. You rarely hear of this generation as they are usually overshadowed by the previous gen (Millennials). But Gen Z’ers are a group all their own. George Beall of the Huffington Post states that “Gen Z processes information faster… Thus their attention spans might be significantly lower than Millennials” but that despite being less focused as compared to Millennials “Gen Z can quickly and efficiently shift between work and play, with multiple distractions going on in the background”. I can personally see myself a little in this, I have a terribly short attention span but I can’t really multitask. Beall also states that “Generation Z desires more independent work environments”, implying that they lean more towards entrepreneurial work. I can’t relate to this, I thrive off of at least a little structure, I’m not good in the

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