
Miller's Characters And Actions In The Crucible By Arthur Miller

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The drama “the Crucible” by Arthur Miller was published in 1953. It is about a historical event from the early years of American history: the city of Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692; a hunt for supposed witches. It plays that year from spring to autumn. The main characters are the seventeen year old Abigail Williams and her former lover, John Proctor. Abigail begins to defame the citizens of Salem to witchcraft. So is a mass delusion; People take the opportunity to get rid of unpleasant opponent. That fosters the strict puritanism in New England. In the spring of 1692, Reverend Parris has observed a group of young girls night dancing in the forest. Their leader is Parris' niece Abigail Williams. As some of the girls become ill, the presumption arises, that the devil is in the game. Devil specialist Pastor Hale is called. He is designed to help the investigation. Abigail passing the blame on the black maid Tituba for fear of punishment. Under intense pressure from called this name by Salem citizens were seen in company of the devil. Abigail and the other girls join in the denunciation; a mass hysteria breaks out. There are many innocent citizens, which others want to dispose of under the maligned. Dislike, distrust, or economic benefits may be the reasons. Also Elizabeth Proctor is under indictment. Her husband John was having an affair with Abigail months earlier. While the affair of John is finished, Abigail further hopes for a common future. They denounced Elizabeth to

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