
Mindful Listening Summary

Decent Essays

Mindful Listening by Rebecca Shafir
In our first discussion board post, I listed one of my greatest qualities as being a worthy listener. Learning more about interpersonal communications has challenged my self-concept, the relatively stable sent of perceptions that each individual holds for him or herself (Adler and Proctor 63). Honest personal reflection shows that I could improve the way that I communicate and in turn enhance interpersonal relationships. Wanting to improve my quality of communication and valuing my listening abilities, the title “Mindful Listening” jumped out. Understanding that western cultural values discourage mindfulness, Shafir wrote this article to promote the value of mindfulness and the positive impact mindfulness …show more content…

While preparing a presentation, I make sure that I give myself some time to focus on the project because I know that with all the distractions around, I can easily miss something on a PowerPoint or meeting notes. I have learned that rushing or not giving my full attention usually ends up with mistakes that I later regret. Almost all corrective actions and performance improvement plans that are put in place are due to mindlessness or multi-tasking. A partner, while on a personal call, misses a step in the process and ends up having to start the whole process over again. Another partner wasn’t paying attention during a meeting and subsequently is filling out paperwork incorrectly. Both instances could have been avoided if the partners had been mindful during work and meetings.
Shafir offers insight on how to overcome mindlessness. Challenge the distractions and focus on the process. (Shafir 222). Choose a task that you usually rush through and slow down, don’t rush through it, be present while completing the task. (Shafir 222). Practice staying present in a conversation (Shafir 223) When you learn to listen mindfully, your perception is heightened and you experience multilevel awareness (Shafir 223) As your ability to concentrate improves, you will become more efficient. Tasks done mindfully are done right the first time. (Shafir …show more content…

Adler and Proctor define listening as the process of making sense of others’ messages (Adler and Proctor 245) and mindful listening as listening and giving careful and thoughtful attention and response to the messages we receive (Adler and Proctor 247). This is very similar to Shafir’s description of mindful listening. The elements in the listening process as described by Adler and Proctor, closely correlate to Shafir’s wide spectrum of listening skills that are used by good listeners. Shafir notes that good listeners have the ability to receive the spoken word accurately and interpret the whole message in an unbiased manner (Shafir 220). This relates to Adler and Proctors elements of hearing, the physiological dimension of listening that happens when sound waves strike the ear at a certain frequency and loudness (Adler and Proctor 247) and understanding, occurs when we make sense of a message (Adler and Proctor 249) because the listener must first hear what is being said and then interpret it. Good listeners retain the information for future use (Shafir 220) correlates to the element, remembering, the ability to recall information (Adler and Proctor 249) as the listener must remember the conversation in order to recall it at a later date. A good listener will sustain attention to the spoken word at will; listening is a process that occurs over time. The element of attending, the focus of

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