
Minecraft Doc Attack Analysis

Decent Essays

The biggest turning point in my life took place in eighth grade while playing the popular computer game, Minecraft. Yes, Minecraft, the pixely game about blocks. In seventh grade, Minecraft was insanely popular. My friends and I would create worlds and share them with one another. We would spend hours staring at our screens, absorbed in our virtual kingdoms. Eventually, we discovered the online multiplayer system. There were hundreds of people on these Minecraft servers creating, destroying, building, and fighting. The players there were way more skilled than us and rather rude. My friends did not like playing here, but I enjoyed the challenge. I logged in after school, sometimes playing for hours. I practiced. I fought. As I became a more …show more content…

As the term was used more frequently, I started to learn that this concept was real and frankly frightening. A DDOS attack meant a distributed denial of service attack, causing one’s Minecraft character to disconnect from the server and drop everything they had for the other players to steal. The fact that someone could use the machine I do homework on to impact another person’s computer was fascinating to me. I asked about the DDOS attack and was told that one can “resolve” someone’s “IP” from their Skype name and use a “botnet” to take out their Wi-Fi. I figured this idea was too complicated to be true, so I ignored it and continued to play. Until one day I conflicted with the wrong person and spent the next 30 minutes without Wi-Fi. After that, I spent many hours researching how this was possible. I watched videos, read blogs, and joined many forums, trying to get a grasp on the topic. My goal: to never have my system compromised again. Through all my hard work, I became famous on the Minecraft server because no matter how agitated people became, they were not able to find my IP. I made it my business to help every player have the same protection, soon helping more than 20 people. From that point on, cyber-security became my passion. I am still blown away by everything a computer can do.

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