
Minecraft Incident Report Sample

Decent Essays

Minecraft Username:
Previous Experience:
I haven't had a lot of experience but I had a good amount of time to learn and proceed from where I have started:

ParaPvP: I was Moderator for about 2-3 months and was very close to the staff members, was falsely accused and dragged into a situation with former Trial Mod, which led to the result of my demotion. If this situation needs more information I am gladly to explain my side of the story in TS.

PulsePvP: My application was "pending" but as I was on vacation I could not get on the computer to hop into ts.

I have had little servers of my own and with some friends averaging from around 8-10 people a day, which wasn't much but was a lot for me to learn the commands and other …show more content…

I feel it would be very good for me to come onto the staff with a strong and positive vibe because I know the server just started and I think it would be good to start the server off with a very experience, intelligent, and strong staff team. As I worked with and played on many server just like HCGames, I have seen the server go downhill very fast due to bad staff members, people abusing their powers which, one, hurts the server and two, makes it unfair to the people playing, also I have seen many staff being biased to other players on servers because they have a Youtuber rank or have a donation rank.

I think this server has a lot of potential, the server has started off very much strong and will only go uphill from here the goal is to improve as it gets better. It is always good to keep a mature and nice mood, you must act professional in all ways possible. Yes, there will most certainly be haters and people that want to bring the server down and try everything in their will to hurt it, but it is our job to handle it like a good staff team, if it get far enough to where they are being insanely toxic and obnoxious in chat it could result in a mute or even a

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