
Minimum Wage And The Wage

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The American Dream is that all citizens can fulfill their potential through hard work and perseverance. Many Americans work long hours under the belief that they are fulfilling their social contract. Yet, even lengthy work weeks at minimum wage can be insufficient to provide for life’s necessities. Many minimum wage workers must supplement their income with taxpayer-funded federal assistance programs in addition to working beyond the standard 40 hour work week. There is an economical and ethical imperative to increase the pay of low-income workers, and this can most effectively be done by raising the federally established minimum wage. The federal government assumed responsibility for ensuring wage fairness by implementing the minimum wage in 1938. However, the federal minimum wage has not kept pace with inflation and is no longer effectively ensuring wage fairness. Recognizing the need for increased income among unskilled workers, several cities, states, and major businesses have raised their local minimum wage beyond the federal level. Yet, this affects only a small portion of workers. It is imperative that the federal government update the established minimum wage across the board to help all workers achieve the American Dream.
The federal minimum wage was established through the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which was passed in 1938. In addition to instituting the minimum wage, the FLSA also established working age requirements, the 40 hour work week, and mandated

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