
Minor Prophet Habakkuk

Decent Essays

Habakkuk as he writes in these few books he teaches us that even prophets need to listen.The prophet was given a hard pill to swallow finding out what was to happen. As you are a This minor prophet Habakkuk was an important part of his time. Habakkuk was the last of the minor Prophets of Judah. His name means to embrace, and Habakkuk name was earned by wrestling with God about the writing in the beginning of the book but things change at the end. In other words he was in deep intimacy with the Father by then. He ministered from between 612 and 589 B.C. and during that time the spiritual condition was one of dark apostasy. Habakkuk was writing to the Judah (the southern kingdom) and God’s people everywhere. Evil was all around the land. Only …show more content…

Judah did have three evil rulers and they were worshippers of idolatry. As he begin to give them some teachings on what God wanted and what He stood for. Some of the books were taught in subjects as iniquity does not triumph, God does not overlook sin, the righteous man live by his faith, and the Lord is God of the universe, and more important lessons.
Equally important Habakkuk books are similar to Jonah as to it they began with the prophet plagued with many problems but uniquely God had the solutions. The Babylonians, and Habakkuk are the key people in his book, that is who God use to overtake Judah. The blueprint of Habakkuk says that when he was trouble, he brought his concerns directly to God, Habakkuk responded by praying and using the prayer of faith. Habakkuk’s example is one that should encourage us as we struggle to move from doubt to faith. We don’t have to be afraid to ask questions of God. The problem is not with God and his ways but our limited understanding of him.
Nevertheless Habakkuk’s theme was struggle and doubt. He ask God why the wicked in Judah were not being punished for their sin. He couldn’t understand why a just God promised to use the Babylonians to punish Judah. To end that God answered Habakkuk with words of hope for

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