
Minority Population Relevancy

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Minority Population Relevancy
As with many things pertaining to mental health and minorities, there is substantial lack information on how Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) is specifically relevant to minority populations. Often signs or symptoms of this disorder are overlooked or misdiagnosed due in part to varying emphases on the role of parent/child interactions in different cultures and ethnicities. It is known that regardless of upbringing, “an infant’s motivation and behavior are thought to be primarily instinctual and unconscious, early experiences provide the framework for what will become the unconscious mind in adulthood” (Hardy, 2007, p. 29).
The rapidly changing ethnic and racial landscape of America has not taken into consideration …show more content…

There may also be a lack of support and concern by the parental support system because of cultural stigma’s or lack of mental health education. This aligns with the pre-cursor to the attachment phase, synchrony. When a parent is experiencing even one of these factors, an infant’s ability to properly form a secure attachment is reduced because of negative synchrony. “Other evidence suggests that a defining characteristic of personality disorder is in an inconsistent and unstable sense of self that is reflected in difficulties maintaining functional and socially appropriate interpersonal relationships” (Hardy, 2007, p. …show more content…

RAD is a disorder that can have extreme consequences for not only the child/adult diagnosed with the disorder, but also for the negative effect it will have on those in future relationships with this individual. Being aware of risk factors and symptoms of RAD can help the client in receiving the correct diagnosis. While the ability to properly identify and diagnose RAD has not been perfected, it is vital to interventions being effective. Research and knowledge surrounding RAD is still new to the field and therefore treatment is still not concrete. However, it is important that RAD continue to be researched because of the social repercussions individuals with RAD face later in life. The inability to form healthy relationships can hinder an individual’s chances of overall success. Personal, professional, and societal relationships are all affected by RAD and what little research exists to support cultural differences in RAD shows that minorities are at greater risk. Treatment for this disorder has proven to be more effective with earlier intervention involving both the caregiver and the child. For the betterment of our communities and societal mental health, it is concluded that more research needs to be conducted and that the result could include better treatments and healthier

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