
Miranda Court Case

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If you find yourself in trouble with the law, the first thing the police will usually do is read you your "rights" which means your Miranda Rights which start out with "You have the right to remain silent; anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law; you have the right to an attorney at all stages of the proceedings; if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided to you free of charge." That is a very important admonition because it sets the stage for everything that is to follow in the criminal justice proceedings. The very first thing to do is remain silent and ask to speak to a lawyer. But then the question arises "Who do I call?" and "How much will it cost me?" That's the purpose of this article - to answer those questions and give you some practical advice. First, as for requesting a lawyer, it's important to remember that just by saying those words you set into motion the requirement that the police should stop their questioning as soon as you demand a lawyer. Please note that you must remain silent for that to work, so remain silent until you speak to your attorney and afterward too. Second, who do you call? Well, it is be a good idea to do a little research beforehand so you're prepared in the off chance you may need a criminal defense attorney in the future. I suggest you …show more content…

In the metropolitan areas where competition is keen, fees can vary widely, however, in the field of criminal law you usually must pay a premium for an experienced attorney who has a well known reputation and who brings more knowledge and personal experiences along the way than a less experienced attorney might. Of course, if you want a less expensive attorney, you may have to settle for one with less experience who is looking to gain more experience. This will also depend upon the type of case you have pending against

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