
Misconception Of Feminism

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Essay #1 “We can share the simple yet powerful message that feminism is a movement to end sexist oppression. Let’s start there. Let the movement begin again” (Hooks 6). Feminism is a concept and way of life that has been consistently misconstrued throughout its entire existence. Some people do not identify as feminist but support some values held by feminists; these people fall under the category of non-feminist. A common stereotype non-feminists hold is that feminists are only lesbian females with hairy armpits and a strong hate for men. Another misconception of people who do not identify with feminism is that the feminist movement is only about women’s rights and power. The general population believing these misconceptions causes an ongoing need for education and conversation. There must be an open mind from the public when it comes to the feminist movement. Modern feminism is defined as the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of equality of the sexes. This definition counters several common misconceptions of feminism by proving that its focus is on equality of the sexes, not just people who identify as females. Men have just as much right to gender equality and deserve a change in their gender norms. Hypermasculinity has forced men to think that they cannot show emotion or reveal a feminine side. In order for the feminist movement to continue moving forward, the misconception that feminism only benefits those who identify as female must be eradicated.


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