
Misconceptions Of Plagiarism

Decent Essays

1) Plagiarism is important because it exemplifies the idea that not only physical material or objects can be stolen and considered theft, but intellectual ideas of other can be taken by another and played off as their own. Plagiarism is not only copying and pasting someone else’s words and pretending they are yours, but it could be as simple as taking a picture from a google search or using the words and ideas of another, without giving them credit and citing where you received the information from. Plagiarism in a professional perspective is often the same as it would be academically, but the repercussions vary greatly. It affects many things including credibility, reputation, and professionalism. Plagiarism in the workplace more often than not leads to either suspension or permanent termination of your job. It also affects your references and reliability when going to apply for another job. There could even be legal repercussions when it comes to copywriting. Plagiarism in the work place does not only affect you individually, but potentially the entire company.
2) After walking through the online tutorial about plagiarism given through Acadia University, I now have a better understanding of what plagiarism is and the common misconceptions of it. A key take-away from this tutorial is that students often plagiarize without even noticing it. It is common that students read articles or use other sources of information online, such as photographs, music, and videos, and take

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