
Misfits Analysis

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Both Richard Donner’s 1985 adventure comedy The Goonies written by Steven Spielberg, and Rob Reiner’s 1986 coming-of-age drama Stand By Me based on Stephen King’s novella The Body, portray several characters to be misfits in society. The Goonies follows the story of a group of misfits on a treasure hunt to save their home from foreclosure and Stand By Me is a writer’s recount of the death of a friend and a boyhood journey to find the missing body of Ray Bowers. Narrative perspective, sound, characterisation, camera angles, and symbolism, contribute to various themes which Donner and Reiner exploit to evoke supportive emotion for misfits.
In diverse methods, both directors seek to engender support for their misfits by the pursuit of their stories through differing perspectives. Donner refrains from applying narration and solely relies on dialogue, conversely, Reiner reveals elements of his characters through the eyes of Gordie Lachance, in first person narration. The lack of narration in The Goonies allows a viewer to experience the journey of the misfits through a neutral and an unfiltered perspective. Donner exposes his viewers to the perspective of several characters, which provides him the opportunity to create characters which relate with the numerous circumstances and personalities of viewers. The connection a viewer feels towards a character, lulls them to view matters similarly. Dissimilarly, first person narration provides Reiner the opportunity to immerse his

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