
Misplace Of Fall In Othello

Decent Essays

The Shakespearian play Othello tells how a good man falls to ruin after a friend fills his mind with jealous thoughts. Othello presumably had Desdemona’s love due to his age, skin color, and Iago’s treacherous tongue and actions. These factors did nothing but fuel his doubts further. However, Iago’s actions and words could not have been enough to push Othello over the edge. Othello’s jealousy, insecurity, and misplace of trust is what caused his downfall. Iago did push Othello to his actions, but he was already having his doubts, which led him to believe Iago’s lies.
Othello’s jealousy is the first factor that will cause his and Desdemona’s downfall. “Othello is that as it seems to be a play about a man who is persuaded into a jealous rage, and kills the woman he loves, and it is difficult to impute to such a man any motive other than sexual jealousy,” (Potter 36). Othello’s jealousy of Cassio is what fuels his disposition. He has just married the woman he loves, but with a few simple words his love crumbles. Iago is the devil on his shoulder that fills his mind with horrible thoughts. However, the devil only appears to those in doubt. Othello is …show more content…

The main reason Iago can deceive Othello so easily is due to this flaw. Othello is in a society where de differs from everyone, and this already causes some discomfort with Othello. The term “Moor” is usually used when referring to Othello’s race. Also, it is mainly used in a way that is supposed to insult him. As seen in the phrase, “I hate the Moor,” (Othello 36). Desdemona’s father also does not want her to be with Othello due to his skin color. Iago uses this fact to further torment Othello. He manipulates him into believing that if Desdemona can choose him over her own father’s wishes, then she can betray him as well. As seen in lines, “to you, preferring you before her father so much I challenge that I profess due to the Moor my lord,”

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