
Mitch Albom : The Five People You Meet In Heaven

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Five People You Meet in Heaven In the book “The Five People you Meet in Heaven”, written by Mitch Albom, a guy named Eddie had died saving a child’s life and had went to heaven. There he met many people who he had somehow encountered in his life, such as the Blue Man. He had also met up with his old army captain who he had went to the Philippines with in World War II. Finally he discovered a girl named Tara whom she blames him for of killing her while she was on Earth. While in Heaven Eddie came to realize even though you may not personally know someone at all we are still connected in some way. The first person Eddie had met in heaven was the Blue Man. Now the reason he is named the Blue Man was because when he was a boy he was given silver nitrate to control his nerves which in return caused his skin to turn blue. The Blue Man had taught Eddie a few important lessons, such as how life is about forgiveness, or how no matter what there is no random acts in life and that all lives intertwine in some way. Here, in Heaven the Blue Man was telling Eddie how he died, and the way he died was a huge example of the lessons he had taught Eddie. Even though Eddie had never met this man a day in his life but yet he was the reason for his death. One day when Eddie was young he was just playing ball in his yard, and somehow the ball ended up rolling onto the highway, so Eddie not knowing to look ran out after the ball. The thing is Eddie had no idea that the blue man was driving with

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