
Mitch Alborn's The Five People You Meet In Heaven

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Over the summer I was given a choice of several books to read. I chose The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Alborn and Bad Boy by Walter Dean-Myers. I had never heard of either author before this assignment. The reason I chose The Five People You Meet in Heaven was because it had been recommended to me many times. Bad Boy on the other hand had a title that seemed interesting. Originally I had thought the book by Mitch Alborn was going to be about a guy who had to prove himself to be let into heaven, while the book by Walter Dean-Myers was going to be about this rebellious kid and his life (at the time I didn’t know what a memoir was) and in the end I wasn’t exactly wrong.
The book The Five People You Meet in Heaven was about the death of a man called Eddie and the people he meets after passing away, not only that but an overview of his life and how said people impacted his life. Bad Boy on the other hand was about Walter Dean-Myers and the struggles he encountered in his life. Mitch Alborn’s book was written in 3rd person while Walter’s was in 1st (it is a memoir after all). Due to the fact that Bad Boy was written in first person, I was able to easily connect with Walter as opposed to Eddie due to the fact Walter is an …show more content…

While one book told the story from an outside perspective the other took a more personal approach and wrote from the point of view of the individual, it was written through their eyes. Each book in turn gave me an insight to the lives of people forming a more illustrious view of life in general. I was also able to witness more from an internal first person point of as appose to 3rd person, an external point of view. You were really able to feel their pain, joy, anger and all other emotions due to the first person view. As stated previously, a real connection is made when you are able to truly understand events and people due to looking through the character’s

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