
Mla Clements Quotes

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English Orb Section 1: 1. MLA Format: Clements, Andrew. Things Not Seen. New York: Philomel, 2002. Print. B. This book is realistic fiction book. C. There are 251 pages and I have read all of them. D. The reason why I chose this book is because I wanted to see what being invisible would feel like and this book gave a decent representation of what it might have felt like. E. This book is set in Chicago, Illinois around the year 2000. F. The book mainly focused on a very interesting kind of friendship. Clements might be telling us that even though someone may encounter disabilities through life, friendship is not a something that can be taken away. Section 2: I have a great interest in relationships. I actually quite enjoyed how Clements put together this story and how he also added a romantic sense in the story as well. When I was reading the book, I was smiling most of the time because of Alicia and Bobby’s conversations. Bobby often talked with a sarcastic sense which unveiled the humor in the story. “Oh great. Yeah, let's call one of those Invisible Teenager Specialists. I'll get the Yellow Pages” (Clement 5). I also felt Alicia and Bobby’s relationship growing thought out the story which also made be a bit cheerful reading their conversations. Section 3: …show more content…

It was almost like the author ran out of ideas and didn’t know how to end the story. In the beginning, Bobby becomes invisible and throughout the story, he meets a blind girl who he becomes close friends with. They then start to find a cure for Bobby’s baffling condition. At the end, it turns out it was just an electric blanket that made him invisible and all he did was wear it again. I actually sort of hated this because I wanted more action and more mystery’s to solve but instead, an electric blanket was the culprit. This is probably one of the worst endings for such a great book with many other possible

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