
Mobile Phone Use And Semen Quality

Decent Essays

Growing up in a technology based society has its perks, our society has endless amounts of information at our finger tips. But, the increase in cell phone usage has brought up many concerns relating to our health. When I think about these health concerns, I think about my mother lecturing me, “Katheryn Paige Leyde, take your phone out of your front pockets right now!” I would role my eyes, and pull my phone out of my pocket. I never really thought of technology as a health hazard, but my mother had read an article; stating that trends in research show, technology can cause infertility, hearing loss or even cancer from the electromagnetic field that cell phones give off. Hopefully with the research I present to you, you too will think twice about the next time you put your phone in your pocket. In the article, Association between mobile phone use and semen quality: A systemic review and meta analysis, specific concerns are presented; “Public concerns have been raised regarding the potentially harmful effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation emitted from mobile phones and their towers (Liu K., et. al).” The article also discusses the correlation between cell phone radiation and semen in men. Electromagnetic fields affect sperm in males, resulting in infertility. In the systemic review portion of the article it is presented, “mobile phone use had negative effects on sperm parameters (Liu K., et al).” Furthermore, the article recommended that men do

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