
Mock Town: Smoking In Business

Decent Essays

In my opinion, I feel that the Mock Town city councilwoman comes across to voters as a very smart and intelligent politician. However I feel that she is an ignorant politician and has deprived the citizens of Mock Town job opportunities by banning the building of an ethanol plant in our city. In addition, she is a fool and brainless because she is supporting a policy on allowing smoking in public buildings in our community. After hearing Councilwoman Kate’s speech at the city council meeting, I feel that she should not be supported and should be rejected as she is leaving it up to the local businesses to decide if they want to ban smoking or allow people to smoke in their place of business. I am against having her re-elected and I don’t support her thoughts and ideas on policy which would allow smoking in public …show more content…

This plan is going to fail because if one business bans smoking in their building, they could loose that customer or customers to another business that allows smoking. Customers could become angry and upset and take out their frustrations on the business owner. The consequence and outcome could be that all businesses end up allowing smoking because if they ban smoking, it could hurt their income and customer satisfaction which could hurt their business reputation. In addition, this plan is going to fail Mock Town because it will continue to expose people to second hand smoke, which as we all know is more dangerous than smoking the cigarette itself. Continually being exposed to second hand smoke could cause life threatening medical issues. While at a place of business, visualize smoke clouds in front of you while inhaling 7,000 different harmful chemicals from the second hand smoke. Just visualizing this scene makes me cringe at the thought that anyone would allow this type of environment to be exposed to their family

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