
Moctesuma Esparza Influence

Decent Essays

Moctesuma Esparza helped organize walkouts in East Los Angeles schools. He was a hardworking person and really wanted to get this done. He took a stand for all Chicano immigrant education. Moctesuma Esparza did not want the chicano students to go through the stuff he had to go through growing up and going to school. Moctesuma Esparza wanted to make a difference in the world for all Chicano students and their educations. He wanted for all Latino immigrant students to be treated fairly like all the other students in East Los Angeles schools. Moctesuma Esparza was just one person from many that helped out, and took a stand for these students. He is also very known for committing himself to help Latinos in creating opportunities for themselves, and his contributions to the movie industry.
Moctesuma Esparza helped organize chicano students to do walkouts but no one ever listened to them, or actually took them seriously. ”He'd organize high school students, encourage …show more content…

It helped many Chicano students succeed in what they were trying to do. He did make in difference and it was significant because now there are more Chicano students succeeding in school and graduating from college with degrees and more. Moctesuma Esparza was a good role model but not just him because others also helped him in the walkouts. Therefore walkouts could help change things if people work together and fighting for something they actually want. His stand changed a few people's expectations of this because now not all think of chicano students as nothing because they have proved that if they really want something they can fight for it and achieve it. Through all the hard work the latino immigrant students and all the hard things they had to go through and with the police, also they had no one on their sides and no one took their walkouts seriously, they accomplished a huge thing for them and future Chicano students and their

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