
Modern Architecture Essays

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Le Corbusier and Mies van de Rohe were two architects influenced by the contemporary movements of their time period. Le Corbusier’s architectural ideology was derived from the multiple techniques and styles he had previously encountered through study. His early designs were expressive of the “youth style” which was introduced to him by his instructor, L’Eplattenier. New technologies, however, began to influence his philosophies. Le Corbusier saw potential in concrete building systems and desired to experiment with its structural abilities through his designs. The modern industry, as well as the political disorder which came about following the First World War, motivated his innovative design philosophies which appeared in …show more content…

Style, he described, was defined by the time period in which architects practiced like building techniques and philosophies. Michael Speaks would have attributed the lack of ‘new’ in the architecture of Mies van der Rohe and Le Corbusier’s era to cohesion to general manifestoes produce outside their time period. Architects from later time periods cannot pursue the same manifesto because technological advances in design must be considered. His arguments reveal that following a general manifesto from start to finish will produce an unchanging architecture. Michael Speaks wrote, “I do not believe we need another manifesto in architecture, even of the incomplete, aborted or personal variety. Architecture, it seems has suffered enough from the illusion that manifestoes matter (except insofar as they stifle creativity) and it is time we found other ways of developing experimental practices … Vanguards, with their five points, seven principles and ten theses for a new architecture, draw a line that leads straight from the manifesto to ‘the new.’ And because the completion of this line is best that can be hoped for, there is nothing new about the ‘new.’” If architects followed the same lines to solve the same problems, a new architecture could not be actualized. A separation from the lines between manifesto and solution made way for discovery of design and methods of creating ‘new’ architecture. Mies van der Rohe and Le

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