
Modern Day India

Decent Essays

Modern day India has been highlighted through Deepak Mehta's trilogy Fire, Earth and Water. The films have been deemed controversial and has stirred up debates amongst traditionalists in India. Many were not receptive because they believe the films were a misrepresentation of India. However, I believe the films were thought provoking and liberating. Mehta represents the voice for the unheard voices in India. Women are often treated as objects rather than human beings, so Mehta speaks for the unheard voices through her films. Mehta used the three elements essential to life (fire, earth and water) to accentuate the lives of those unheard voices as she confronts religion and traditional social mores in India. Mehta's first film, fire, explored the forbidden elements of female homosexuality, and has been a controversial figure since 1998. The film was banned in India for its unequivocal portrayal of lesbianism in India. After feeling neglected by their husbands, two Delhi women who were sisters-in-law fell in love in an impracticable reality. Radha and Sita, secretly sought comfort in each other as they tried to endure their joyless marriage. Sita was exposed to an assortment of difficulties through …show more content…

The story line is told from a young Parsee girl's, Lenny, perspective and explored the elements of religious extremism. India was more receptive to this film because it explored the after effects of colonialism. During a dinner conversation at Lenny's home, the adults talked about the positive and negative things about gaining independence from Britain. It was said that Indians were able to communicate better because they learned English and that schools were created during this time. However, because of the partition of India and the development of Pakistan, the British have deliberately stirred up strife amongst the

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