
Modern Day Rap Music Essay

Decent Essays

What They don't tell you about Modern day Rap Music Draft What they don’t tell you about modern-day rap music is the overuse of triplets. Triplets are a type of lyrical progression originally borrowed from the high hats section of common hip-hop drum beats. For every measure of a 4/4 beat, a line of lyrics are layered over the ¾ lines. When it was used first, this was a wonderful new way to add variation in a rap song. But with every new rap/trap song that came out eventually triplets were being used in the entirety of the songs that came out. This was just flat out lazy and brought nothing new to the table. What they don’t tell you about modern-day rap music are the dull basslines and 808s. Basslines are the low room-filling sound that comes from your typical rap song. Most songs, of course, have a bassline but rap use their basslines in a new form. 808s are what are commonly used in rap songs. The low frequency and minimally modulated synth or resample are used in modern rap to give out the power in the song. This is a flaw however because a bassline in a song shouldn’t be the strength of the song, it should be the bowl that contains …show more content…

Most of the time, the meaning behind an artists lyrics are the reasoning for the creation of the song. A message or a story is what’s most commonly used in a song. Modern day rap, however, is lacking in this department. Drugs, money, and women are now the new wave of rap music. In connection with powerful bass lines rappers such as Lil Pump, Lil Xans, XXXTENTACION, and probably some other short people, rap these things to attempt at expression but fail for misunderstanding. Rappers such as Kendrick Lamar, J Cole, and Big Sean are capable to vocally express themselves in a way that most people can understand. Other rappers who can’t see beyond their earthly desires are the ones who lack in the meaning in their music and maybe even in their

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