
Modern Personality Theories Was Developed By Sigmund Freud

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Modern personality theories was developed by Sigmund Freud and is known as psychoanalytic theory. The psychiatric practice of this theory is called Psychoanalysis. Freud’s ideas were plentiful, profound, and often controversial. His theory about personality has had tremendous influence on societies around the world through many different disciplines. Freud believed that most behaviors are caused by thoughts, ideas, and wishes that are in a person’s brain but are not easily accessible by the conscious part of the mind. In other words, your brain knows things that your mind doesn’t. This reservoir of conceptions of which we are unaware is called the unconscious. Psychoanalytic theory proposes that per- sonality characteristics are mostly a reflection of the contents of the unconscious part of the mind. Freud suggested that certain ideas and thoughts are repressed, that is, pushed out of awareness and into the unconscious. Freud said that the mind could be divided into three abstract categories. These are the id,the ego,and the superego. The id: Latin for the term “it,” this division of the mind includes our basic instincts, inborn dispositions, and animalistic urges. Freud said that the id is totally unconscious, that we are unaware of its workings. The id is not rational; it imagines, dreams, and invents things to get us what we want. Freud said that the id operates according to the pleasure principle —it aims toward pleasurable

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