
Modern Political Thoery and Liberalism Essay

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Modern Political Thoery and Liberalism

The subject given for this paper was to “assess the alienation from liberalism found in modern and contemporary political theory.” To be honest, I don’t see a correlation with alienating liberalism and modern political thought through the time line of political theory in the 18th and19th century and through the 20th century. So, for this paper, I will prove the opposite. I will show, in my opinion, how the rise of liberalism has kept alive modern and contemporary political thought and action. I will begin with what I know of the beginning of liberal ideas and move through time showing how these liberal movements have been the basis for major changes in countries and that liberalism, in my …show more content…

This unprecedented growth and profit was another social change that occurred during the Industrial Revolution. The laissez-faire method taken by the government permitted to thrive. This allowed the wealthy, middle-class owners to pursue whichever path was most profitable because no government action was taken against this harsh treatment of workers. Before the Report, governments were averse to the implementation of reforms based on their strict policy of laissez-faire the government found this sacred. Citizens claimed “human rights” and “natural rights” they began to rebel, breaking into factories and destroying hundreds of them in the span of a few weeks. After this outcry and revolt of many citizens, the British government was forced to act. In the future many changes were made due to the social and working conditions in Britain. Politics separated from the electoral system due to the effects of the Industrial Revolution on.
Guided by the political notion of liberalism in the 18th century this meant a new age in British politics, which continued through the Industrial Revolution. The industrialization of Europe, like the French Revolution, left a permanent mark on society. Changes such as the Health and Morals Apprentices Act, where 12 hours of work a day was all that was allowed with no night shifts and employers were to provide education and the Factory Act where women and children of the ages 13-18 could not work more than 12

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