
Modernization Theory And Its Impact On The Future Of Turkey 's Democratic Institutions

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The Constitutional Court holds the power to review legislation that degrades the democratic integrity of the Constitution. It remains crucial that this power rest with an independent governmental branch. The court system itself establishes a functioning society, whose members knows the law and must comply. Those who choose not comply with the law know that the judicial branch will remedy the injustice in society. The future of the judicial branch has a monumental impact on the future of Turkey’s democratic institutions.
Turkey’s future remains ambiguous. On an economic perspective, Turkey is booming. It is quickly launching itself into globalism. A growing economy “during the first six months of 2011 Turkey even vied with China for position as the world’s fastest growing economy. Since 2002 the Turkish economy has nearly tripled in size, experiencing the longest spurt of prosperity in modern Turkish history” (Çaǧaptay, 2014, pp. 17). Diversifying its efforts to bring the nation into the international realm as global player. A prime example of modernization theory, that as countries modernize, streghten middle class values, it becomes inevitable that countries transition away from oppressive regimes to a strong democratic institution. Hindering a politically effective democracy is the current president of Turkey. Increasing tensions and waning legitimacy from its population is showing signs of stress. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was elected to the presidency in 2014.

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