
Module 4: Abnormal Psychology

Decent Essays

1. Note at least 4 specific observations from the guide (the other page you were given. Be specific about what you saw in the movie that was an example of the topic on the guide. (4 points) According to Piaget’s substage 2 is during the first few months of the infants life. During this time, their behaviors are focused almost exclusively on their own body. These behaviors ar primary and repeated. Bayar from Mongolia, when laying on the bed, repeatedly opens and closes his hands. He tries to put his foot in his mouth. Hattie from San Francisco, U.S. demonstrates affordances. She bounces up and down in a “bounce–and–play.” This gives her a unique opportunity to develop a sense of coordination, which is also found in Piaget’s substage 4: “coordination …show more content…

The instructor was engaging with Mari during a song. During this interaction, Mari looks at her mom for reassurance. This is an example of a secure attachment. Ponijao’s shifts to more deliberate and purposeful behavior by interacting with her environment. For example, she purposefully plays with the dogs feet. Ponijao also exhibits signs of experimentation when playing with the dog. She pulls the dogs feet back and waits for the dog to respond. She than repeats this behavior. 2. Describe a factor that influenced a child’s physical development? (1 points) Exercise influences a child’s physical development. Exercise encourages coordination, muscle development, and memory. All four babies in this documentary had the opportunity to move, explore, and play. 3. Describe a factor that influenced a child’s cognitive development? (1 points) Being raised in an engaging environment influences a child’s cognitive development. For example, Hattie from San Francisco has parents who were actively engaged in her development. Hattie has toys that encouraged cognitive development through experimentation, such as the “bounce–and–play.” 4. Describe a factor that influenced a child’s social development? (1

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