
Moersohn-Becker's Self-Portrait With Amber Necklace And Mona Lisa

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Paula Moersohn-Becker’s “Self-Portrait with an Amber Necklace” is from the 19th century an is from Germany. The self-portrait is of a naked woman holding two flowers in a field of flowers. The only thing she is wearing is a necklace. She is a of a modern time period when nudity was not such a big issue, it was pretty common. She is of a free spirit, not caring if anyone is judging her by her body image. She is a flower child, with flowers used as a crown on her head. During the Middle ages nakedness was also a thing that artists portrayed through their work. “Self Portrait with an Amber Necklace” and “Mona Lisa” are similar paintings because of their mysterious features. Amber portrays mysterious eyes, while Mona Lisa portrays a mysterious

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