
Mohammed Reza Phlavi Research Paper

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I/ Introduction: 1/Background: Mohammed Reza Pahlavi was the last shah of Iran, and he took the nickname of shahanshah. He was educated at the Swiss Interior School and completed his education in Iran. He married three times: Princess Fawzia, Thuraya Estfndyari and Farah Deba. He has five children, two sons and three daughters.
The purpose of this research is about the status shah Mohammed Redha in Iran. II/Literature Review: There are a number of point of view regarding the status mohammed shah Reza in Iran between 1941 and 1979. According to Amin Saikal (2009) “Saikal examines the rule of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, especially from 1953 to 1979, in the context of his regime's dependence on the United States and his dreams of transforming Iran into a world power”. According to Ayatollah Khomeini (2014) “Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was a key ally for the United States in a hostile region Ironically, this brought about the Shah's downfall”. According to Corbis Corporation (2017) “Mohammad Reza was proclaimed crown prince at the age of six. From this time on he was carefully educated for his future role as shah by his stern father”. According to Tore …show more content…

Mohammed Reza Shah was ruler of Iran from 16 September 1941 until 11 February 1979. He was the second ruler of the Pahlavi house. One author adds in the context of his regimes reliance on the United States and his dreams of switch Iran into a world force. Another add Mohammed Reza was an opener confederate for the United States in a hostile district ironically. Mohammed Reza was announced tiara prince at the age of six. Also, Mohammed Reza was a much lower scale than his father. However, in his years as much, Mohammed Reza Shah did his superior to press in his father’s footsteps and moreover

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